PBL database

Literatuur over Deep Learning, PBL & Feedback

  • Jane Krauss & Suzie Boss. Thinking through Project Based Learning, guiding Deeper Inquiry. Crown Publishers, 2013.
  • John Larmer et al. Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning (ASCD, 2015)
  • Ross Cooper & Erin Murphy. Hacking Project Based Learning, 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom. Times 10 Publications, 2016.
  • Beginners guide to PBL
  • Dan Rothstein & Luz Santana. Make just one change; teach students to ask their own questions. (Harvard Education Press, 2017)
  • Joe Hirsch. The Feedback Fix: Dump the Past, Embrace the Future, and Lead the Way to Change (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017)
  • John Hattie & Shirley Clark. Feedback om leren zichtbaar te maken. (Bazalt, 2019)
  • Edited by David Leat. Enquiry and Project Based Learning. (Routledge, 2017, ISBN: 9781138790179)

Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself - John Dewey